Volunteer to join the NITOC 2019 staff team!

NITOC depends on volunteers to help us run on time and keep NITOC operating smoothly. In addition to our awesome parents being willing to judge, we are looking for help with the following team positions:


To serve on the facility team (golf cart drivers, hall monitors, security), contact Flint and Diana Callaway by emailing [email protected].


Hostesses put the HOSPITALITY in Judge Hospitality. We are looking for a few joyful and encouraging servants to keep the entire Judging area clean and stocked. Hostesses will be on their feet cheerfully serving for either mornings (7am-2pm) or evenings (2pm-9pm). Hostesses should be ready to take a Ballot and judge if needed. Judging codes are only for those who sign up for 5 or more shifts. This is the perfect spot if you are a multi-tasker who loves to welcome strangers, and are able to multi-task and keep things moving at the same time! Sign up for Hospitality Hostess shifts at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e084aa8a723aafa7-hospitality
Email Janine Wilkins at [email protected] for more information.

Help Desk

Are you a doctor or a nurse? Could we call you during NITOC if we have a need? Examples: fainting, uncontrollable nosebleed, fall, sprained ankle, burns, ‘gushing blood’ not needing stitches, bee sting. Stoa would like to solicit a list of Emergency Physicians, Nurses, Paramedics or EMTs, who are willing to serve in this capacity at NITOC to provide reassurance and comfort until parents arrive and/or further medical care is sought. If you can be one of these volunteers, please email [email protected]

Video Team and Photography Team

Use your photo and video talents to capture the experience of NITOC 2019! If you can be a photographer and/or videographer, reach out to [email protected]

For Staff Only:

Stoa Expense Form
Use this form when submitting NITOC related expenses to the Stoa Board of Directors. Please complete and return to [email protected] no later than two weeks after NITOC.